Innovation, research and development
Notre département Innovation, Recherche et Développement travaille afin de proposer aux vinificateurs les outils de demain les plus performants pour tirer le meilleur du raisin, tout en leur apportant son soutien technique.
Experimental cellar (Montagnac Campus)
The EXPERIMENTAL CELLAR in Montagnac is the perfect instrument to carry out simulations at our premises of what will happen in the cellar, and enables us to be aware of the countless realities in the field. This cellar is at the disposal of our R&D team, who work throughout the year with the support of our oenologists to develop new protocols, applications, tests, etc.
C’est un centre de pointe composé de 30 cuves de 1 hL, de cuves de 5hL, thermorégulées, mais également de l’ensemble des équipements proposés à nos clients : infuseur dynamique, système d’oxygénation etc..
The facility also offers the opportunity to test equipment and carry out analyses in a structure close to what is available in the field, as well as use our customers' tools and our products.
Tasting, which goes hand in hand with the material aspect, is made possible by direct access to the Montagnac Campus tasting room. Tastings are carried out using our proprietary statistical software.